"The Beauty of women embodies more than her physical attributes and personality. It is in her strength, resilience and tenacity to face the world with a smile each day no matter the pain within." Charmaine Soobramoney
On this day in 1956, over 20 000 South Africa women of all races marched in protest against the pass laws that prohibited people of colour from entering the white areas without the relevant documentation. This pass law was repealed 30 years later, in 1986.
It is in honour of the women who started the charge for equality, freedom, respect, and support to all life that we founded Each One Hold One (EOHO). It is in the spirit of all the courageous women who began the fight before us and who will continue the fight after us that EOHO commits to improving the plight of women. One woman at a time we support, grow and pay it forward.
On this day, we urge fellow women to find the piece that resonates with you and drive that Change. The change will come. The journey ahead needs you and your commitment.
At the last EOHO Connect Session, we celebrated women and reflected deeply on the pain that we hold. Isabel Ferreira took us through an incredible journey through grief and loss. We discovered that grief is much more than the loss of a loved one. Yes, we cried, but we also laughed, danced, and acknowledged that despite the fight and pain women are the consistent feature in families and communities that thrive through adversity.
The EOHO founders Kubeshni, Melissa and Charmaine recognise the phenomenal women who committed their time, shared their knowledge, skills, experience, insights and techniques on how to be resilient, productive, own your emotions and how to love and just be. Sharda Naidoo, Geci Karuri-Sebina, Zana Marovic, Krishnie Naicker and Isabel Ferreira we thank you for contributing to the success of the EOHO Connect Series.
We can only truly drive meaningful change when we love ourselves. In the words of Lucille Ball – “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You have to love yourself to get anything done in this world”
To be part of the EOHO community please subscribe www.eoho.info
This month we reflect on the beauty of diversity and unity in the poetry of Nishita Kallian –https://www.eoho.info/post/the-beauty-of-our-diversity-is-in-its-unity
With love,
Melissa Kubeshni & Charmaine