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A Celebration of Your Individuality as you reflect and move into the 2023 year


We are almost at the end of another period observed to highlight the predicament of women, children and others affected by gender-based violence (GBV). Unfortunately, the statistics that we rely on, and often suspect as “playing down” the severity of the pandemic of GBV, have worsened with time. It is a sad reality that several expensive attempts to reduce the incidents giving rise to the scourge of GBV, are evidently of little or no force and effect

Is there hope? Or are we going to be victims for life?

If you think you have no cause for celebration, you are wrong. I believe that we all need to and must celebrate our individuality, the uniqueness we were born with, meant to live with and will exit this world with. It is that individual that is nurtured as a baby, encouraged as a child, and sadly not celebrated enough as an adult. We lose ourselves in our daily struggles but do not stop to think about the power we have in choice. As an individual making choices, we have the ability to ensure that our choices result in us becoming unique and desirable individuals.

As we once again observe the 16 days of activism targeting GBV, let us turn our attention to where we are guaranteed to get help. Turn to yourself and celebrate your individuality. Start making decisions that will eradicate whatever is toxic in your life, a life that has the potential of being filled with happiness and bliss.

As an individual who seeks a better and a blessed life, you must commit to yourself (and in the interest of your loved ones) to make positive changes and stick your guns! End toxic relationships…. yes just like that. You do not need these people preventing you from getting back on track and following that path to happiness and prosperity. Making several changes will necessitate a routine to ensure that you move in the right direction every day. Be thankful for each new day and begin to smile. Make a conscious decision to enjoy the day that you have been blessed with. Take deep breaths of fresh air and get moving. Whatever you do, just get moving. Make your bed, take a shower, do some simple stretches and exercise, prepare your meals for the day, whatever it is just move. I know it’s easier said than done, but I implore you not to think about the difficulty. It costs nothing to get moving.

Many of us become overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. We fall into depressive moods and struggle to navigate ourselves out of it. Even people who love us do not have the expertise to deal with us. This article is meant to empower you to get yourself out of that deep, dark, lonely place. And once you get moving, you will begin to feel better.

You need to consciously, and obviously not without effort, develop good and better habits.

Make healthier food choices, drink water and avoid alcohol, develop a culture of saving money (if you are jobless, you will use your power of choice to get there), have a set time to sleep at night and rise in the morning, and prioritise having 7-8 hours of sleep (this is a game-changer), become aware of time and make meaningful use of it.

Two things that I find most useful in my life and career are keeping myself updated with current affairs in the news and simply reading. I seldom get an opportunity to read enjoyable novels, so if you can, it is a great form of escapism. Reading material will enhance your knowledge generally and have a remarkable effect on how you respond to people in conversation, and how they respond to you. That deep, dark place will become a distant memory as you foster new and meaningful relationships. You will make acquaintances of better quality, people who make you feel worthwhile and respected and whose presence in your life can only help you attract better company and brighter days.

I challenge you to take time in solitude to create a roadmap that will take you where you want to be. Keep it in a book if you like and use it as daily motivation to make each moment count and every day a better and brighter day.

Here’s to a better brighter life!

Written by Adv Nerisha Naidoo

Each One Hold One - Board Member effective 1 January 2023

Rivonia Group of Advocates

Happy Holidays and much Love

Melissa Dolphin- Rowland & Charmaine Soobramoney

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