Call to Action
We do and call on other women to commit to holding in conversation/s one other woman who has the need for growth, comfort and care. We will connect with each other to share our experiences of building a community of women who put each other at the centre of our development as a nation. We will share insights and short practical tools on how to support:
Listening and Appreciative Enquiry
Encouraging positive conversations
Eradicating self-doubt and limiting belief awareness
Having honest conversations
Setting boundaries
Monitoring progress in self-development

What is the idea behind the Apple and Pear?
Apple is an entrepreneur / senior manager / executive / retired business person. She considers herself blessed for the experience and success that she has gained over the years. Apple often thinks about the world and the state of the country she calls home.
The plight of women is, in particular, something that causes Apple concern. As her own children find their way in life Apple considers her ‘next’. She believes in the principle of ‘paying it forward’ and has some ideas about how to do this but does not have the energy to work alone or start something new again.
Apple is an ideal candidate for an EOHO holder – She either has the experience to be a mentor or she has the skill to hold a conversation.
​Pear ​is a woman who needs the kind of support that an Apple could provide.
EOHO aims to connect Apples with Pears.
To sign up, please complete the form below.